Name: Connor Davis
Birthday: 11/26/94
Height: 6′ 2
Im a high school graduate, work full time as a web developer and designer. I have my own business called Blue Jump! Its web stuff, so if you want a website, I’m your guy 🙂

Just visit

Anywayyyys, Im 17, soon to be 18. Im a twin, play the drums at church. Learning to play bass guitar, I love God and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop me from that.

I dont have a girlfriend or anything like that, currently…Not looking to get married ANYTIME soon, but I believe that God has a girlfriend/wife for me, and I might not know who or where she is, but she’s good looking, smart, funny, and pretty much the most awesome girl anyone could ask for. So I’m gonna let God take care of that.

So a little about me: I like action movies, but comedy movies are what I quote. If i say a joke, and you dont get it (especially if im the ONLY one laughing)… its probably a movie quote. I tend to quote Dumb and Dumber, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Napoleon Dynamite, the Other Guys, and other stupid pointless movies. and I play PS3 every so often.

I love food, I usually eat anything plain and simple. In n Out will be in my mansion in Heaven. Cereal is my comfort food, just hand me a box of Cocoa pebbles or Captain Crunch.

I listen to music a lot, it gets me focused on a mission. Not the same case for everyone, or so I’m told. I listen to everything from rock to rap to country to big band. I like it all.

I have 7 Siblings ( 3 bros, 4 sisters) In Age Order: Kailey (twin), Alayna, Megan, Eden, Joshua, Daniel, and Michael James Davis.

I like to have fun and being an I-type personality, I can get distracted easily, so im working on that. but Im easy to get to know. I plan on being EXTREMELY successful when im older, so if you have a problem with that, I honestly dont care.

Keep negativity out, because I hate it. 🙂

So thats me! If you have any questions or anything really, I’m an open book. Ask away peoples!

One thought on “

  1. Brittaney says:

    I love this bro! 🙂 There was a lot I never knew about you.

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